Conad Volley Tricolore inked the best opposite of Serie A3 Credem Banca: the German Christoph Marks completes the opposites department.

Born in 1997 of German origins, Marks comes from his first season in Serie A3 with Fano, even if this was his third experience in an Italian club; the opposite in fact played for two seasons in Ortona: “I am very happy to return to Serie A2 after two years spent in Greece and one year in Serie A3; my last experience in A2 ended badly, I was injured in Ortona and the Covid19 epidemic broke out, but now I’m ready to make up for it”.

Despite his short career in Italy he boasts almost 1500 points in all competitions within Italian clubs. However, Serie A2 is very competitive: “There is certainly a difference between A3 and A2, I think that only a couple of A3 teams could play in A2 this year, because they are two completely different levels. I look forward to facing increasingly difficult matches from Sunday to Sunday; I think I still have a lot to learn and I’m ready to do it.

My goals for this year? I want to have a good season and play to get as high as possible in the table. The minimum, in my opinion, will be to get to play the playoffs, then if we make bigger conquests we can only be happy. I want to demonstrate every match, to all the Reggio public and to my opponents, that I can be one of the best opposites in Serie A2; I’m very excited for this season and I can’t wait to start training”.