On Christmas night, the tables were set, the red tablecloth, the crystal glasses, the silver cutlery. The children unwrapped the gifts they received from their parents, grandparents and siblings. The family toasts in the moments in which Jesus was born.

In the world there are those who still wage war and dream of peace. Many did not have dinner last night, others were at work to ensure the safety of all of us and our entertainment, connections, healthcare and basic necessities. A heartfelt thank you to those who were working for the nation and community.

The Volley Team Club San Donà wishes happy holidays to its members, to the managers, to the coaches, to the children of the youth sector and their families, to the volunteers of our entire structure, to the sponsors, to the Veneto Region, to the municipality of San Donà, to the citizens, to all the teams that meet our boys on the fields. Happy Holidays to the Volleyball League and the Federation, but more generally to all sportspeople in Italy.

May each of you treasure the gift of life. Merry Christmas to all.