Less than a month from the start of the athletic preparation of the Lupi, the Santa Croce club reveals the numbers that the boys will wear during the 2023/24 season.

Coscione, Colli, and Loreti, the three confirmed with respect to last year’s A2 Credem Banca squad, will keep the 2nd, 7th and 15th from last season. Gabbriellini, Brucini, Giannini, rise from the red and white B series, and will wear, respectively , the number 1, 4 and 14 shirts.

As for the new additions, however, Simone Parodi will wear the number 3 shirt, which hasn’t changed in Italy since 2013 and which he left (for number 6) only in the 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons. Cargioli, Bergamo’s historic number 7, chose number 5, which he already wore, again in Bergamo, in the 2017-18 season (Captain Colli had an option on number 7).

Russo, Matteini and Petratti, for their first season under the A2 Credem Banca brand, opted for 6, 8 and 11 in order. Gatto and Mati, who wore number 3 and 7 last season, now occupied by Parodi and Colli, they will wear the 13th and 17th.

And finally, Klistan Lawrence: in the Puerto Rican national team he wears number 2, in Allianz Milano he had chosen number 3, for his first experience in S. Croce he opted for … 23, given the unavailability of the two previous numbers.

For Bulleri and Pagliai, coach and assistant coach, jacket and tie by order.