The new Avimecc Volley Modica roster continues to take shape in view of the next season which will see the blue-and-white sextet still protagonist in the A3 volleyball championship.

After Marco Di Franco, another new athlete will join the training entrusted to the care of coach Enzo Di Stefano and his staff.

It is the libero Simone Lombardo who arrives full of enthusiasm and determined to play his chances in the Third Series championship that the new blue-and-white will face for the first time in his career.

Originally from Giarre, born in 1995, in fact, he has always played between Serie B and Serie C in Fiumefreddo, but arrives in the city of the County after last year’s experience always in the cadet series in Foligno.

“I am arriving in Serie A3 after so many years of playing in Serie B – these are Simone Lombardo’s first words as a player of Avimecc Volley Modica – and as soon as I was presented with Modica’s proposal, I immediately accepted it because they have always spoken to me very well of companies and staff. Wearing the Avimecc Volley Modica shirt is a source of pride for me because we will be the only team to represent Sicily in Serie A3. I can’t wait to meet my new team mates because I know they are top level athletes. Everything will be new for me, but I’m ready and excited for this new and exciting adventure in a new championship and with new opponents. In Modica – he continues – I hope to be able to give my contribution to the team and to be useful in achieving the objectives set. The A3 series will be a long and full of pitfalls championship and for this reason we have to work hard in the gym and as a group be united and compact. For me it will be a very important season that will allow me to expand my technical and tactical baggage under the guidance of coach Enzo Distefano and his staff who I’m sure will be able to get the best out of this group. They told me that our fans are always warm and I can’t wait to meet them in person. I can tell them to always stay close to us and to come en masse to the “PalaRizza” because with them by our side – concludes Lombardo – we can give any opponent a hard time, because we know that together we are stronger”.