A slump that needs to be shaken off as soon as possible is that of Stadium Mirandola, which has not performed since its performance against Geetit Bologna on 19 November. After the 3-1 inflicted on the Bolognese, in fact, Stadium continues to remain absent from the list of winners. And if the performances against Mantova and San Donà had a predictable outcome, the real disappointments came from the matches with Garlasco and Sarroch, decidedly more accessible teams, which however did not bring any reward to the Mirandola team. Making a stop in the Pico city are the Sardinians of CUS Cagliari, fresh from two opposite performances: the home victory against Pallavolo Motta 3-0 and the 3-2 defeat against Brugherio. The island team, currently sixth in the standings, is the perfect testing ground for Stadium: having established that the PalaSimoncelli law does not apply to everyone, it is also true that, so far, only two teams who presented themselves undefeated have managed to get through the hole gialloblù: even Pallavolo Motta, currently in seventh position, had to concede with a peremptory 3-0 to the home team. Having recovered all the unavailable players who will face the main diagonal of the opposite team Calarco (formerly of countless teams of A2, A3, as well as of Ravenna in SuperLega and Universal Carpi in B1) and of Kindgard, the spikers of Busch and Marinelli, the 19-year-old center back, 210 centimeters Ambrose together with his teammate Captain Menicali. Last, but not least, libero Luca Vitali, third reconfirmed together with the captain and opposite, protagonists of the exciting return of Serie A to PalaPirastu after Tiscali’s relegation in 2007/08.

“The boys are well aware of the situation and absolutely want to win again. The reaction I would like? A match played to the best of our ability” these are Mescoli’s words for his team who, according to the coach, are struggling to express in the match the level demonstrated during training. Critical issues that, in recent weeks, the gialloblù have been trying to smooth out and of which some signs were seen in the match against Garlasco.