Tommaso Fabi, class of 96 and 2 meters tall, is preparing to embark on his fourth consecutive adventure with Sieco Impavida Ortona. After a year of purgatory in Serie A3, the club and player confirm, and indeed solidify, mutual trust with a new year together.

Despite the injury that forced him to miss a significant part of the last competition, with just 18 games under his belt, managing to play 53 sets, the centre-back from the Marches has shown all his worth. With 91 total points, including 7 aces and 23 blocks, Tommaso played a top part of the final part of the championship, even having the luxury of scoring the last point of the championship with an ace that contained the winning symbol of a full season.

Now, with the injury just a (painful) memory, Fabi is ready to face a new challenge with Sieco Impavida Ortona. His experience, his dedication to the white-blue team, and his ability on the pitch will be crucial in a team that aims to consolidate its role in a newly regained Serie A2.

«Of course I am very happy to be in Ortona once again. For me it will be the fourth consecutive season with the SIECO shirt. A choice, I must say, not at all difficult. Last year was a fantastic experience. In fact, it would have been a shame to throw away the good things done together. This promotion won on the field was perhaps the most beautiful and intense emotion experienced in my career so far. The injury kept me out for a long time. At first I didn’t take it well at all but luckily everything worked out for the best and I was able to give my contribution to the team. I hope to find again for next season that warmth that the Dragons and the sportsmen of Ortona have been able to give us against Catania before and Fano after. It would be very important for us to find that enthusiasm again because we will need it even more in Serie A2″

Not only beach volleyball and training for Fabi in this hot summer. Tommaso is close to graduating and studying takes up most of his time.