Easter falls early on the calendar this year. But it is a day of celebration to spend with your loved ones among culinary delicacies, doves and chocolate eggs. It doesn’t matter whether they are dark or milk, chocolate personifies sweetness and light-heartedness.

Easter is the time to embark on a new life, to contest the power of wars scattered in every corner of the world.

It is a time for peace, solidarity and friendship between people of all races.
Easter is that period where we offer friendship to the weakest by embarking on a new life.

The president Fabio Zuliani and the entire board of the Volley Team Club San Donà and all the athletes wish a happy Easter to the volleyball institutions and to the entire world of Italian volleyball. A happy Easter to our sponsors, to those who support us, to the municipality of San Donà and to the Veneto region.

May the spirit of sport always triumph outside and inside that rectangle divided by a net.
