The official commitments of the competitive season have just ended, the celebrations for the promotion achieved on the field are still in full swing, but the liveliness of the proposal offered by M&G Volleyball School does not stop. And so the last Sunday and last Monday of May become the opportunity to host Mauro Berruto in the Grottazzolina palas. What is the former coach of the Italian national volleyball team doing, right-hand man of Alessandro Baricco for years at the Holden school in Turin, parliamentarian of the republic, among the promoters of the reform that introduced sport into the Constitution (so many lives in one) in Grottazzolina ? It will liven up one of the events of “Sportiva-Mente”, the widespread sports festival promoted by the company of Grottazzolina and Montegiorgio, indeed, of the entire Fermo area. After the masterclass with Zorzi and Gabrielli, in fact, Berruto will “go on stage” in two moments, both at the palas.

On Sunday 26th, at 7pm, in a lecture show, in which he returns to the role of storyteller, he will try to tell everyone, not just professionals, the not only sporting value of coaching as an art to encourage the discovery of talent and the not only competitive value of sport as a dimension for self-discovery. The meeting, entitled “Training, training, looking elsewhere”, will be free to enter and designed for everyone (families, athletes and more, sportspeople and more).