My name is Ayrton and I’m a pilot
And I run fast on my way
Even if it’s not the same road anymore
Even if it’s not the same anymore
Even if there are no pilots here
Even if there are no flags here
Even if there are no cigarettes and beer here
Who pay to continue
To continue then what?
To actually sponsor what?

Thirty years ago, on that cursed May Day 1994, Ayrton Senna died during the San Marino Grand Prix. First of all a great man, then an immense pilot, someone who dedicated himself to others without letting them know. That damned day at Tamburello marked the end of an era in Formula One.

Lucio Dalla’s words remember him like no one else has been able to do.

And I decided one night in May
In a land of dreamers
I decided that maybe it was up to me
And I realized that God had given me
The power to turn the world back
Bouncing into the curve with me
He told me, “Close your eyes and rest”
And I closed my eyes