After the bronze and the title of Under 19 Territorial Champions, this time it was the under 17s who repeated the record and the double on the podium for Diavoli Rosa and Powervolley Milano who, in the setting of the PalaKennedy in Brugherio, which hosted the territorial finals under 17 men and under 16 women, they won a bronze and a silver territorial.

The event, organized by our company in collaboration with the Milan Monza Lecco Committee, was opened by Coach Marchini’s boys from Power Diavoli who, in a hard-fought match, got the better of Desio’s opponents. The rosanero won the 3rd-4th place final thanks to the 3-2 victory (25-23, 21-25, 25-15, 18-25, 15-13) against Desio Volley Brianza, third step of the podium for an excellent bronze medal from Milan Monza Lecco.

The day then continued with the women’s finals 3rd-4th place Pro Patria-Visette and 1st-2nd place Vero Volley-Busnago, won respectively by Pro Patria and Vero Volley, third and first by Milano Monza Lecco, until arriving at the long-awaited men’s 1st-2nd place final which once again saw Diavoli Rosa and Vero Volley Milano competing.

A final that certainly did not disappoint expectations in terms of level of play, technique and competitive spirit.