Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Also in the friendly match Milano has won against Bergamo.
Good news for Matteo Daolio finally back and in the court for all the five sets played.
Laift didn’t play because he is recovering from a leg injury.

Agnelli played with: Olli, Daolio, Yoko, Ale Boroni, Finazzi, Burgshtaler and Gelasio libero. Starting from the third sest space also for Sangalli, Boroni S. and Bonetti.
Milano, without Platenik and injured Insalata, has started wsith Travica, Novotny, Sirri, Benito, Spairani, Mengozzi and Tabanelli libero, but space also for Casagrande, Perez, Lundtang and Ioppi.


Agnelli Metalli Bergamo – Sparkling Volley Milano 1-4
(22-25; 30-32; 25-18; 17-25; 11-15)
Sets lenght: 17’, 22’, 16’, 14’, 9’.
Referee: Figaroli.

Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Boroni S. 2, Boroni A. 3, Olli 8, Daolio 14, Finazzi 9, Burghstaler 9, Sangalli 6, Yoko 17, Bonetti, Gelasio (libero), Gargano n.e., Lafit n.e..
Coach: Cominetti.

Sparkling Volley Milano: Mengozzi 11, Novotny 7, Benito 7, Ioppi 7, Lundtang 5, Spairani 9, Travica 1, Perez 7, Sirri 13, Casagrande, Tabanelli (libero).

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457