Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Second match away from home fro Modugno-Noicattaro Volley, that will play in Cavriago on Sunday against Edilesse.
In the first two round of the Serie A2 Championship Modugno got two losses (1-3 against Isernia and 0-3 against Milano at home)
Cavriago beated Taviano in the first match but lost 0-3 against Cagliari in the second.
Coach Mastrangelo said: “We want make points so bad and we will go to Cavriago to play a great match. We trainned very well during the week by raising our game level and decreasing the errors. In Cavriago there are two very strong players like Kirchein and Gil Rodrigues, then an experienced player like Stagni and the young players that helped the team to win the Serie B1 championshihp. We are still thinking about the loss against Isernia because it is really hard to recover from but we will face the match against Cavriago in the best possible way”.

Sunday 8 October – Pala AEB Cavriago (RE) – 6.00PM

Referees: Pierluigi Orpianesi and Alessandro Perdisci

Antonio Rubino
Press Office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley