Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Mater has not been able to stop the negative strip against Pineto. The boys did try really bad this time in the Tim Cup semifinal but there was nothing to do also this time. But at one point of the tiebreak Pascual (great match for him with 26 points scoredi) and teammates had th match in their hands but at the end Pineto has been able to recover and wins the tiebreak and the whole match that meant the access to the final.
So Pineto will play the final, tomorrow at 6.00PM.

(21-25, 31-29, 19-25, 25-22, 13-15) –

MATERDOMINI VOLLEY.IT CASTELLANA GROTTE: Pascual 26, De Mori, Guglielmi (L), Libraro 9, Mazzarelli, Fabroni 2, Barbone 3, Dos Santos Monteiro 23, Creus Larry 14, Lo Re, Kolacny 1. Non entrati Muccio.
Coach: D’onghia Gianni.

FRAMASIL CUCINE PINETO: Fenili (L), Mancini 3, Henrique 3, Sborgia 7, Beltran, Russo 11, Bergamo 22, Zagonel 23, Baldasseroni 10. Non entrati Antequera, Medori, Leone.
Coach: Fracascia Emanuele.

REFEREES: Daniele Rapisarda, Daniele Zucca.

Crowd: 1700 people
Sets lenght: 25′, 32′, 27′, 27′, 20′; tot: 131′.