UnipolSai MVP

The best is Aleksandar Atanasijevic


Aleksandar Atanasijevic is the UnipolSai MVP for the month of March. The Perugia star received three nominations for the games won over Milan, Monza and Città di Castello. The Serbian outside hitter scored a total of 50 points (42 spikes). Besides, Atanasijevic, who is also the top scorer of the SuperLega, won the Gazzetta trophy for the second year running, which he will receive before the quarter-final game 1 on Saturday.




The winner is s professional!


The Vibo Valentia middle blocker, Alessandro Paoli, is the first to put his name in the record book as winner of the Fantavolley in the 2014-15 regular season. Another middle blocker, Perugia’s Simone Buti, was top at the halfway point of the season, but Paoli just outplayed everyone in the second part. Indeed, Paoli’s “Rookies” finished with an advantage of over 50 points on the main follower, the “Red Dragons” of Sam Deroo, the Verona spiker. Third on the podium is the fantateam “Vecchi Ma Boni” created by Antonio D’Arpino, the only non-professional on the podium.


Among the players that helped Paoli win, there were Atanasijevic, Sander and Fromm, who were respectively first, 6th and 10th in the top ten of fantapoints.


Fantavolley is not done for the season. It will be possible to start from scratch with new teams from tomorrow with the playoffs beginning on Saturday 11.


FANTAVOLLEY – the official game of the SuperLega UnipolSai



