Latina’s first outing against a SuperLega team ended with a 3-1 defeat. Both teams have heavy legs due to the intense period of training but some spells of good play could already be seen. Same teams again on Saturday but in Perugia.

“There have been some positive aspects especially at the start when we had fresh legs – said Marco franchi – Then, we made mistakes, we have been inaccurate in certain fundamentals on which we’ve been working in training. But anyway, the attitude of the guys was positive”.

Top Volley Latina-Sir Safety Perugia 1-3 (32-30, 21-25, 23-25, 22-25)
Top Volley Latina: Maruotti 15, Capponi 1, Pavlov 15, Tailli 7, Rossi 13, Boninfante 3; Romiti (L), Krumins, Hirsch 7, Ferenciac 3. Coach. Franchi
Sir Safety Perugia: Maric 20, Elia 8, Tzioumakas 23, Holt 17, Franceschini 5, Dimitrov 5; Giovi (L), Fanuli (L). Coach. Castellani.