Patrick Majda is a 40 year old man, form minor leagues basketball players in Bologna’s suburbs, In january 2018 he was diagnosed for Colon Cancer.

He undergo a delicate surgery, with some complications, he got into coma for 5 days, he fought back and came back from coma, but after nine months of chemiotherapy, the cancer still ran.

In Italy there are no chances and no hopes to save Patrick, the only chance is Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center Clinical in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an advangarde hospital with a special protocol which can fit for  Patrick.

The money Patrick will need are 500.000 euros, until now have been collected 100.000.


Italian Volleyball League Lega Pallavolo Serie A supports Patrick and his girlfriend Luciana Grieco, always with him and organizer of the crowfunding.

This is the ONLY way for Patrick to have a chance to save his life.

Let’s everybody help Patrick with campaign GOFUNDME

The hashtag  is #salviamopatrick

Bank account:
Luciana Grieco
IBAN: IT05I0301503200000002905809
Causale: il vostro pensiero per Patrick
