“The debate around the budget law risks distracting from the priority issues for local sport, first of all the tax credit on sponsorships, a measure which, there for all to see, has produced social, employment and economic benefits” . Francesco Ghirelli, president of Football Lega Pro, Umberto Gandini, president of the Serie A Basketball League, Massimo Protani, president of the Female Basketball League, Pietro Basciano, president of the National Basketball League, Massimo Righi, president of the Serie A Volleyball League, and Mauro Fabris, president of the Serie A Volleyball League Women launch an appeal to the Government so that the sponsorship bonus is part of the maneuver.

“We have always fought so that local sport does not get crushed in a fault line between the Serie A football elite and the amateurs, a trend that unfortunately is making a comeback, as can be clearly seen from the measures that are being discussed most at this stage politics. We ask the Government, Minister Abodi and Minister Giorgetti to accept our appeal through an amendment that reintroduces the law, making it structural for 2023. Losing it would mean crumbling a social and economic fabric that has been rebuilt with difficulty after the pandemic, it would be disastrous and devoid of logic. Territorial sport needs structural support, in a systemic key, no welfare, only common sense. By doing so, companies and entrepreneurs are encouraged to take action to sponsor local sport, which is socially useful” conclude the presidents of Lega Pro, Basketball and Volleyball.