The philosophy of ShedirPharma Folgore Massa has always been based on the growth and enhancement of young talents. Last season, in Marigliano, the story of a 2002 class began which, thanks to excellent performances with the second team, earned the deserved debut in Serie A. After having closed the championship with 5 tokens, this year Mariano Gargiulo will be an integral part of the first team, thanks to the trust placed in him by the director Ruggiero and by Mr. Esposito.

From Serie C you found yourself catapulted into the first team. Debut in Marigliano, and then several clips also to give unpredictability to the service. Did you expect your career to turn so fast?

“Honestly, I didn’t expect to be called into question right away to help out the guys on the first team. It was a great thrill to respond to the coach’s call at this time, and I am ready to give my all to repay the trust of the club, and be at the level of the category we will face again. ”

This year the coach wanted you to be permanently in the first team right from the first training session in the gym. Do you feel even more empowered?

“For the first time I will be an active part in the group engaged in A3, and obviously for me it is a source of great pride. While before I was mainly called into question from 9 meters, now I will live all the matches alongside the boys, working to make myself ready when the coach deems it appropriate “.

Many important athletes as team mates: to what extent can they help you grow and improve?

“I don’t know the new guys personally, but I’ve seen them play and they have a very respectable résumé. I can’t wait to start, because I will certainly have a lot to learn from each of them “.

What are your personal ambitions for this season?

“Improving training after training with a lot of effort, trying to increase the minutes compared to last season”.

To what extent could it affect the home crowd, if it were possible to really play within friendly walls?

“I have never had the good fortune to play with the Crustiffs cheering, but I have watched several games as a spectator and I felt goosebumps feeling their relentless support right down to the last point. Sorrento is our home, and being able to take the field with the thrust of the green-and-white fans could prove to be an added value during the championship “.