It’s time to get excited again.
It’s time to get back together.
The 2022/23 Season Ticket Campaign has started, with various innovations to involve the yellow and blue families more and more, thanks to special packages designed to bring young and old fans to PalaOlimpia. In addition, there will be an exclusive “click day” with 1000 seats available at an unrepeatable price.

13 June – 22 June: Pre-emption sale for 2021/22 subscribers, exclusively via the web, with the possibility of reconfirming their seat and free t-shirt.
25-26 June: click day, exclusively via the web, with discounted rates for 1000 seats
28 June: free online sales start, on site and in TicketOne points of sale
Until 29 July: Curva Sud Special fare subject to availability of seats
Sales deadline: on the occasion of the first home match (to be defined)

NB: there are breaks in online sales, for technical reasons, on 23-24 June, 27 June.