The Athlete Culture & Climate Survey event, organized by Change the Game, an association chaired by Daniela Simonetti that Consorzio Vero Volley has supported in recent years in the fight against abuse in sport, ended with success and great participation in the Sala Colonne of the headquarters of Milan of Banco BPM.

A talk, moderated by the journalist of the Sole 24 ore and creator of Alley Oop – The other half of the Sun, Monica D’Ascenzo, in which the results of the qualitative-quantitative investigation on abuse and violence in sport were disclosed Change the Game has commissioned to Nielsen (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE DOCUMENT). Out of a sample of almost 1500 athletes, it emerged that 39% admitted to having suffered violence while practicing sport in the first 18 years (19% suffered multiple violence), with 30% being the victim of psychological violence, the 19% physical violence, 15% neglect and 14% sexual violence. The national or international competitive levels are most affected, with 35% of the violence coming from teammates and 30% from coaches, often with episodes similar to bullying.

Among the protagonists of the event, also the president of the Vero Volley Consortium, Alessandra Marzari, who has always been at the forefront of this phenomenon. “It is time for those who govern sport, whether it is Coni, a federation or a small sports club, to become aware that abuses exist and that it is their collaborators who perpetrate them – declared the number one of the Lombard reality -. An awareness that seems distant and above all slow in acting, clouded by unmentionable thoughts that smack of fear of the truth, of protection of the indefensible. Every actor in the world of sport can do something to fight those who take away from sport the its main task which is to improve life skills, to promote social adaptation, to distance all girls and boys and adolescents from risky behavior who practice it with passion and innocence. actively and practically with the facts the abuses become an obscure guarantor, an accomplice. And we don’t have the numbers we present today with this research without accomplices”.