The class of ’91, originally from Loreto, is one of the senators of the red and white team, who with this 2023/2024 season will wear the Med Store Tunit shirt for the seventh consecutive year. Among the best interpreters of the role of libero in Serie A3, Gabbanelli knows the environment very well given that with Med Store Tunit he experienced the climb up to Serie A as a protagonist and has been a point of reference for the team for years.

Also this year you will be able to welcome many new faces, with the help of the other players remaining in Macerata. confirmed, like Sanfilippo and Lazzaretto, who have also been here in Macerata for a few years now, then many new ones who I can’t wait to meet on the pitch as teammates after having always met them as opponents. Meanwhile we are enjoying these days of vacation but we are all ready to go back to training, we are always followed by the athletic trainer Paolorosso and by coach Castellano “. The news also involved the bench, with coach Maurizio Castellano arriving this summer full of ambitions, “I still remember him as a player when he was in Loreto, then we saw that he also continued successfully as a coach. In particular, he was our opponent in Fano in the last two seasons and he did a good job, I’m sure he will do well here in Macerata too”.