Hector Alexey Reyes Leon is the fourth reinforcement of the renewed DRL Volley Team: a band of quality and thickness, which they already know quite well in Belluno.

It’s worth rewinding the tape: to December 4, 2022. The day when, at the Spes Arena, the rhinos face a WiMore Parma without both opposites. But to bear the weight of the attack on his shoulders is an athlete with the number 1 printed on his back and rockets under his shoes, capable of signing 19 points with 5 winning serves. And to brand the Emilian success in three sets.

That athlete is Alex Reyes: Cuban of origin, born in 2000, he moved to Italy at the age of 10. From a volleyball point of view, he grew up at Volley San Martino Rio. And, after a parenthesis in Grottazzolina in the A3 2021-2022 championship, he highlighted his qualities at the PalaRaschi in Parma last season. A year – the second in the third series – that the Italian-Cuban ennobled with high-sounding figures: 26 appearances, 92 sets played, 269 points scored, 45 aces and 29 blocks.

The player will be officially presented tomorrow (Friday 16 June), at 6.15 pm, in the offices of Da Rold Srl (in via Vittorio Veneto, 223, in Belluno).