Stefano Chillemi and Avimecc Volley Modica together also for the next season which will see the County sextet once again at the starting line of the men’s volleyball A3 series championship.

The captain of the Modica blue-and-whites will still be number seven, the jersey of his city that he will defend for the fifth consecutive year.

So the new season of the partnership presided over by Ezio Aprile starts again from one of the elements of the “hard core”, who after the salvation won on the last day of last championship, wants to experience the next season of the Third Series with fewer worries of mind and who better than Stefano Chillemi can be the glue between the old guard and the players who will soon arrive in the shadow of the Castle to defend the blue-and-white colors under the technical guidance of Enzo Di Stefano.

“For me – explains Stefano Chillemi – next will be the fifth season in blue and white and the third as captain. This, for me who am from Modica, is a unique emotion to be able to represent and defend the colors of Modica on a national level. For me all this is a source of pride because these are opportunities that don’t happen every day. We will be led by Enzo Di Stefano – he continues – and to tell the truth, when I learned of the departure of coach D’Amico I hoped that his successor would be him. I think this is an advantage for us because he knows the environment well, he is now at home with us and I am sure he will give his best and will make available to the team all the experience he has accumulated with Volley Modica which he has helped to bring to the highest levels . What is about to begin – concludes Stefano Chillemi – will be my third season as captain. In these years I have learned a lot and I have gained some experience both for better and for worse. Being the captain is a huge responsibility and I am proud of this assignment. In me, but I believe in the whole Avimecc Volley Modica environment there is a great desire for redemption and for this reason I can’t wait to go back to the gym to meet my new teammates and embrace the “old” ones again because I am sure that this team that is emerging will have a great desire to work to bring home important results”.