Middle blocker Matteo Pizzichini, born in 1996 originally from Osimo, Marche, joins the Lagonegro Volleyball Rebirth.

He took his first steps in volleyball in the Lube Volley youth team from 2011 to 2015 and then in 2016 he played in Serie B2 in Appignano. In 2017 he was called up by Geosat Lagonegro graphic bases where he will start playing in Serie A2, remaining there for another three years with the different shirts of Massaggerie Bacco Catania and Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania. In 2020 he will play in Serie A3 for GoEnergy Corigliano-Rossano, in 2021 for Volleyball Franco Tigano Palmi but in the middle of the championship he will be called up by Med Store Macerata. The following season he will play for Falù Ottaviano but in 2022/23 he will return to play for Med Store Tunut Macerata.

“Excited to return to the Lagonegro Volleyball Rebirth. After the phone call with President Nicola Carlomagno I couldn’t wait to start this new adventure, also because my journey in Serie A2 started right from the Volleyball Rebirth. The objective, I believe of the group itself, will be to fight to get back to where we belong. This year the championship is a really high and level level also because we share the same goal with different teams, that of promotion. I’m happy to find several teammates I’ve played with over the past few years, and I can’t wait to get started with them. The Rinascita family has always made me feel very welcome, as have the fans and for this I am really looking forward to being there.”

These are the statements of the first Central Pizzichini called by the Lagonegro Volleyball Rebirth in view of the new 2023/24 championship.