First day of “school” for the boys of Moyashi Garlasco who met yesterday for the usual presentations at Agri G. en Gin in Zebolò, a well-established stage in the calendar of the company of the president Silvia Strigazzi.

In an evening of icebreaking, characterized by an atmosphere of conviviality and enthusiasm, the club and the management presented themselves to the new arrivals, with the president Silvia Strigazzi, the DS Savino Di Noia and coach Vittorio Bertini sharing their vision and values. Also present were Paola Adami and Fulvio Vaccarone, faces of Moyashi – Soybean sprouts, the title sponsor who has decided to support the adventure of the A3 series for the 2023-24 season as well.

Under the orders of coach Bertini and his staff, made up of Federico Moro (assistant coach), Stefano Fumagalli and Luca Musitano Guerrera (athletic trainers), Christian Pizzingrilli (scoutman) and Alberto Resegotti (team manager), there was immediately full group, from today officially engaged in the preparation.

The words of coach Bertini

“This is the strongest team I’ve ever coached – confesses coach Bertini for the third consecutive year at the helm of the A3 group – with a roster of high-level players and a bench that will give you a hard time. Managing this group is a great honor, but also a responsibility. We have a new group for 10 of the 13 players in the squad, there are no magic formulas to create harmony, but this year we are aiming to reduce the number of friendlies to 8 in order to keep alive the hunger to be on the pitch. The wish is that of a growing journey: we are not afraid of some initial difficulties because we want to improve by being together”.