Tonight’s appointment organized by the Triumphalia cultural association of the De Lorenzo family was a very prestigious evening, a real sports gala presented by Matteo Schinaia and Fabiola De Lorenzo in the location of the Idroscalo Bologna in Taranto Air Force base with the patronage of the Municipality of Taranto and the Puglia Region.
Among the sports protagonists of the evening awarded for the brilliant 2022-23 season, President Bongiovanni received the Athlete of Taranto award for the Team category, and the general manager Vito Primavera for the managers / athletes category
The General Manager Vito Primavera collects the award, together with the head of the press office Linda Stevanato in place of the President Tonio Bongiovanni.

“It is a very prestigious award for the city – declares the Director General Primavera – a regional award in the future will also become national and one of the most important events so I am very proud to have received it even if in reality the merit of this award is attributable to Elisabetta Zelatore our heart our brain our soul together with the President Bongiovanni: they are certainly two managers of great level and they have allowed us to be able to keep our team at very high levels in the SuperLega championship last and therefore prestigious for this city. I was very excited because in this location here at the Air Force hangar I took the oath in 1982 so I remembered those beautiful times, it was a double emotion for me. Thanks again to the guys who believed in our project in first of all Lanza, the American boys, Trinidad, Raffaelli who have joined the historical group of our athletes and therefore we hope to have a good championship”.