Two confirmations for Rana Verona: Andrea Zanotti and Pietro Bonisoli will also be part of the Verona roster in the 2023/2024 SuperLega. The centre-back born in 1997 thus extends his partnership with his hometown team and is preparing to face the third year with the Verona Volley shirt. For the Libero from Brescia, on the other hand, this is the second consecutive season with the jersey of the Veronese club after his debut in the top flight last year. The two players, therefore, will still be available to Coach Stoytchev.

“Verona is my home and the choice to continue my career here was automatic” declared Zanotti, true Veronese who grew up on the banks of the Adige. “For me it is a source of pride to represent my hometown team and doing it within this group is even more satisfying. The cohesion we have shown at all times and Rana Verona’s ambitious project were the main reasons that convinced me to continue. It will be another season to be enjoyed together with our fans, who will not fail to give their support.”

These are Bonisoli’s words after the renewal: “When the call from Verona arrived last year, I made a dream come true. I was given the opportunity to play in the most competitive league in the world and being part of this team again is an honor for me as well as an incentive to improve more and more day after day. I have one more season of experience behind me and I can’t wait to face the next one with the same spirit I have had up to now. Come on Rana Verona!”.

The sporting director Gian Andrea Marchesi also comments with satisfaction: “The confirmations of Zanotti and Bonisoli within the Rana Verona group are a sign of the goodness of the work we have put in place in recent years. As Rado often repeats, in addition to the technical aspect, we are interested in the human aspect and the two boys fully reflect the values ​​we want to convey. We have placed our trust in them, but at the same time they have strongly believed in our project, as they have shown up to now with commitment and dedication. Good luck to both of them for the continuation of their journey here in Verona”.