DRL enjoys Guastamacchia. He hadn’t entered the last seven games, but last Sunday, thanks to Mozzato’s absence, Francesco found a starting shirt again. And he was ready. Indeed, it was one of the main factors in the success achieved in Brugherio. As evidenced by the figures: 10 points with 56 percent in attack (the same percentage as the other centre-back: Alessandro Stufano) and 5 blocks.

«The match with Brugherio went according to my expectations – says the nineteen-year-old who blossomed in the youth sector of Pallavolo Padova -. Mine was a positive performance. Did I expect it to such an extent? I don’t know, but for sure I had a great desire to go back to playing. And, consequently, I took the field without fear ». Guastamacchia is making his absolute debut in a Serie A3 championship. And in the first team: «I know I can give a hand to the group – he adds – and the competition in training has helped me to grow». The five balls attacked by the Diavoli Rosa, and nailed in the opposing half by Guastamacchia, did not go unnoticed: «Actually, I don’t think blocking is my specialty. What is needed to best interpret the fundamental is attention, in addition to speed. And it is necessary to foresee the game».