Lupi Santa Croce club announces that it has transferred the men’s A2 title to another association

The renunciation of the national category was achieved following long and in-depth assessments of future prospects. The economic situation of the reference territory would not have allowed, in our opinion, a serene and adequate programming for the technical and structural level required by the second national championship.

The club is healthy, and has no problems, but the current Serie A, in terms of costs, is not what it was 20 years ago, and even the economic fabric of Santa Croce is not the same as 20 years ago. It is not our intention to “take a step back”, not in terms of a simple downsizing. Indeed, we want to start again and redesign something new, more solid, and more functional, for the next seasons.

A different and better path to guarantee us a stable and long-term future.

We think that insisting now with Serie A without having the resources available that we consider adequate would have been short-sighted, would have brought immediate consensus but with the risk of a leap into the dark and a real step backwards, with no return.

As things stand, we believe that ours is a renunciation in the name of a sense of responsibility.

Naturally we will continue to take care of the youth sector with even more energy, passion and resources, and this will become an integral part of the new project together with a discussion of the men’s “first team” destined, in the right times, to become central again.

Having said this, anyone with a different vision and the resources for more ambitious and immediate projects can still present themselves and take the place of the current management. We are willing to step aside and leave to others, we repeat, a sporting reality that has no debts or gray areas.

In conclusion, we thank all those who in various capacities have given a hand in these years of Serie A. We are not just talking about the partners, who we obviously hope will follow us with enthusiasm in this new adventure. We are referring to the Volleyball League, to those who work there, to the other companies, to professionals, prosecutors, Federation and Committees, in short, all those who have helped this Company to take on an important role on a national level.

In the next few days we will present and illustrate the plans for the 2024-25 sports season and subsequent ones.