Less than forty-eight hours remain until the official start of the Final Four in Cuneo which will award the Del Monte® Coppa Italia Serie A2, the first trophy of the season for the category. From 5.00 pm on Saturday 11 May, in fact, the four teams participating in the Final Four (Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina, Consar Ravenna, Consoli Sferc Brescia and Delta Group Porto Viro) will be competing on the tricolor taraflex of the Cuneo Palasport.

Riccardo Vecchi (Captain Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina): “We come from a fantastic period, in which the club and the whole team have fulfilled a dream of an entire territory, the Fermo area, which for the first time in its history will have a team in the Super League.

Massimiliano Ortenzi (Coach Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina): “Certainly arriving at this event after the Final against Siena, and having reached the quarter-finals against Cantù, is something quite strange, because you have to find the right concentration and emotion to play high-level matches after reaching the highest peak in the championship.

Riccardo Goi (Captain Consar Ravenna): “Ready to face this Final Four, in which we are obviously happy to be there.

Marco Bonitta (Coach Consar Ravenna): “The three Play Off matches against Grottazzolina were the ones in which we expressed our highest level, our best volleyball because we managed to play on equal terms with the team that then won quite clearly the final.

Simone Tiberti (Captain Consoli Sferc Brescia): “We are happy that that something we were missing in an otherwise positive season has finally arrived. The Final Four was a goal and we achieved it by beating one of the strongest teams in the championship.

Roberto Zambonardi (Coach Consoli Sferc Brescia): “We return to play a final phase of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia Serie A2 after four years with unchanged enthusiasm and joy. It is a prestigious goal, placed among the objectives at the start of the championship, but never taken for granted, given the level of the A2 series.

Fernando Gabriel Garnica (Captain Delta Group Porto Viro): “This Final Four Del Monte® Coppa Italia Serie A2 is the fruit of a year of intense work, shared between all the people who are part of Delta Volley.

Daniele Morato (Delta Group Porto Viro Coach): “We are very happy and proud to have reached this Final Four, an achievement that is anything but obvious given that in the Quarterfinals we had to sweat the fateful seven shirts against Cuneo, one of the favourites.