Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Ended 3-0 for Castellana Grotte the Serie A2 match showed live on SKY. Modugno-Noicattaro starts the match with Meriggioli,Durante, Stangoni, Nuzzo, Olteanu, Lamoise. Roganti libero.
The first set sees always Castellana ahead in the score, from the very beginning of the match: 5-2, 7-5, 12-8 until the second time out when the score reaches 16-9. Castellana is the owner of the field and keep staying o fron and reaches 21-13. Olteanu keeps alive the Modugno-Noicattaro hopes with thwo points, Nuzzo does the same and the score arrives at 23-18. But it is too late. Castellana closes the set 25-20.
Even in the second set Castellana is always ahead in the score and in the second set the score is 16-12. Nuzzo tries to carry Modugno for a reaction and the the gap is finally recovered when the score reaches 20-20. From this point the set is very tight and fought. The two teams are giving all they got. Modugno has a set point but Pascual got the point to avoid the victory of the set for Nuzzo and teammates. Scores keep staying close: 27-27. At the end Pascual and Castellana block are able to eventually close the set in their favour for 30-28.
Third Set: Modugno Noicattaro is playing much better and Castellana this time is not able to score an important break. At the second time out the score is still pretty close: 15-16. But it is at this point of the match that Castellana is able to score an important break that gives them the chance to close the set 25-20 and win the match.

Modugno-Noicattaro Volley:
Meriggioli 3 ,Durante 9, Stangoni 2, Nuzzo 12, Olteanu 12, Lamoise 4, Roganti (L), Orel 2, Giosa 3. N. e. Mirizzi, Santià and Grassano. Coach: Mastrangelo
Modugno-Noicattaro: Blocks: 5, Aces 1, Serves errors 11.

Materdomini Castellana Grotte: Fabroni, Libraro 14, Barbone 9, Joel 12, Pascual 14, Guglielmi (L), Creus 8, De Mori, Mazzarelli. N.e Rinaldi, Sangiorgi, Muccio ne. Coach: D’Onghia
Castellana Grotte: Blocks 5, Aces 2, Serves errors 14.

Referees: Bertogna and Savino.
Partials:25-20, 30-28, 25-20. Sets lenght: 26’, 36’, 27’ – total 1h 29’.

Antonio Rubino
Press Office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley