Mercatone Uno Pineto: Mercatone Uno Pineto- Mail Service Corigliano 3-0
Parzial sets: (25-21; 25-19; 25-21)
Mercatone Uno Pineto: Shittu 18, Fenili (L),Birarelli 6, Luna ne, Jacobsen ne, Mancini 7, Ronaldo Henrique 2, Sborgia 11 Di Meo ne, Sottocorona ne, Baldasseroni 12. Coach: Chiovini
Mail Service Corigliano: Zaccareo 2, Buracci, Falcone, Corvetta, Olteanu 12, oliveri 10, Tomasello 1, De Marchi 1, Loglisci 4, Ristic 6, Perez ne, Roganti (L). Coach: Preti

The PalaVolley remains unbeatable and this time victim was Cordigliano defeated 3-0 after a good match from both teams.
At the beginning Cordigliano renounced to the opposite Perez, not in perfect conditions, and used Oliveri, while the home team didn’t give up the apport of Shittu that, even if a little injured, was able to leave his sign to the match.
Thanks to Baldasseroni Pineto goes ahead 8-4. The hosted team tried a reaction but the set kept staying in Pineto hands 21-16 first and then 25-21 to close the first set.
More fight in the second set with the Mail Service trying to stay close to the Gialloblu (8-6). Coach Preti with some replacements tried to get the block higher, but Sborgia was able to get through several times and give to Pineto the 2-0 lead, by closing the second set 25-19.
The last set was pretty much similar to the other with Mercatone uno always leading the game and eventually close the match 3-0 (25-21 the last set).
Pineto confirms its third position together with Gioa del Colle an almost safe position for the playoff.
It will be important now to get point away from home even if the next matches will be very tough.

Luca Prosperi
Press Office
Pallavolo Pineto