Framasil Cucine Pineto: La Framasil prepares itself for next difficult match against Castellana, first team in the standing. Both teams really need to win the game.
Coach Gianni D’Onghia can choose among incredible players such as: Pascual, Joel.
Mazzarelli is going to take Fabroni’s place, out because of his injury.
Joel opposite, Pascual and Libraro spikers, Creus and Barbone middleblockers and Gulielmi libero.

Fracascia starting six: Ronaldo setter, Bergamo opposite, Russo and Sborgia middleblockers, Zago and Baldasseroni spikers and Fenili libero.

Framasil – Materdomini is going to be the first semifinal in TIM CUP A2 Final Four in Roseto, on the 10th and 11th February.

The game is starting at 6 p.m. on Sunday. at Pala Mercatone arena.

(In the photo: Massimo Covato during time-out)