Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Pineto won versus Modugno-Noicàttaro for 3-0. The winner wants to get to the top of the standing. Modugno-Noicattero has 25 points in the standing

“In the first set – Modugno-Noicattaro’ coach Massimo Dagioni comments – we had some difficulties in the defense phase. I am worried about our situation but I trust my players: we will get our aim.”

Modugno-Noicattaro Volley – Framasil Cucine Pineto: 0-3

Partials: 15-25, 26-28, 23-25. Durata set: 22’, 30’, 27’tot: 1h 19’.
Referees: Umberto Zanussi from Treviso and Giovanni Contini and Castelmassa (Ro)

Salas, Durante 11, Olteanu 10, Nuzzo 8, Giosa 5, Lamoise 8, Roganti (L), Meriggioli, Orel, Santià 1, ne:
Stangoni, Zavoianni. All. Dagioni
Wrong services 13, B. v. 4, Blocks 6.

FRAMASIL PINETO: Ronaldo 4, Sborgia 8, Beltran 8, Zago 8, Bergamo16, Baldasseroni 8, Cacchiarelli (L), Antequera, Mancini 2. N.e: Medori, Leone, Russo. All: Fracascia.
Wrong services 15, B. v. 2, blocks 16.

Antonio Rubino
Press office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley