Ortona-Molfetta 3-2 (19-25; 25-14; 22-25; 25-21; 15-8)

Molfetta: Saitta-Morelli, Verh-Ippolito, Giosa-Giglio, lib.Rizzo.
Ortona: Lanci-Cetrullo, Muagut-Lipparini, Sborgia-Guidone, lib.Zito

Ortona won the second edition of the Donato Tramba memorial – like it had done a year ago – at the expense of a good Molfetta team that surrendered in the fifth. Over 300 fans were in Chieti to pay tribute to the volleyball champion Tramba, who passed away in December 2010. Last friendly for Molfetta on Friday at home against Atripalda.