In the semi-final of the tournament taking place in Vasto, Macerata had the better of Città di Castello 3-1. Without Podrascanin and Stankovic, Macerata had its top scorer in Giombini (19 points, 44% on 36 balls, 2 blocks and 1 ace).

“A useful test not to lose our rhythm in this period without official games – said coach Giuliani – Extremely useful for players like Parodi and Martino who had to deal with physical problems of late and really need to get a feel of the game to get back to their best”.

CUCINE LUBE BANCA MARCHE: Henno (L1), Parodi 15, Paparoni (L2), Zaytsev 3, Vitelli 10, Patriarca 9, Kovar dnp., Martino 18, Monopoli 3, Giombini 19, Bonacic, Moretti 1, Kurek dnp., Baranowicz. Coach. Giuliani.

ALTOTEVERE CITTA’ DI CASTELLO: Franceschini 14, Carminati 8, Lensi, Corvetta 2, Dolfo 17, Sartoretti, Massari 15, Tosi (L), Piano 10, Rossi, Marchiani. Coach. Radici.

Score: 25-27 (27’), 25-21 (27’), 25-22 (26’), 25-22 (25’9.