Gioiella Prisma Taranto, after a big performance at home at PalaMazzola against Vero Volley, is now facing a “gigantic” obstacle, to be overcome, even in a literal sense: the match ahead of the fourth day of the championship, Saturday afternoon at 18 away against the Scaligeri of WithU Verona, dragged by the “giant” Sapozhkov, a physically imposing and tough athlete, and by a team with very gifted forwards.

WithU Verona, coached by coach Stoytchev, proved to be the surprise of this championship right from the start, with two excellent victories over Piacenza and Trento.

It has in its roster two new very important offensive terminals compared to last season: the Russian opposite Sapozhkov, the “giant” of 2.20 who in the Adige derby against Trento had landed 39 points, and the place 4 Keita , endowed with great elevation and dynamism, which together with the already well known Mozic have so far made superb performances.