“Distributori Al Risparmio VivaVerona Cup” is back, the competition for fans of WithU Verona promoted by the monthly Confcommercio Verona ‘Il Commercio Veronese’ together with the club.
In the second edition with the current formula, the initiative will make it possible to vote – after every home match played at PalaOlimpia – for the best Gialloblù on the pitch.
The first appointment is set for the challenge on Saturday 22 October with the Gioiella Prisma Taranto.
Also this year the most voted player of the first round and the final winner at the end of the regular season will be awarded: last year Rok Mozic had collected points, winning the trophy.
At the end of the championship, some of the fans who have participated in the competition will be drawn by lot, who will be honored with gifts offered by the sponsor and the Club.