Dario Catinelli will assist Peppe Longo as setter next season.
To complete the department, the red and white club has chosen to focus on the talented Roman director, born in 2002, fresh from the first season in A3 of his career.
The new adventure in the Apulian capital will allow the former Sabaudia to continue that growth path which, undertaken in the youth teams of the Fenice Pallavolo Roma, has seen him land with merit in the third national category.
«Facing it as an opponent last season, Volleyball Bari struck me for its seriousness, enthusiasm and organization – begins Dario Catinelli -. I am very happy to become part of this beautiful reality, where I will have the opportunity to learn a lot from a superior setter like Peppe Longo and also to train with an expert and charismatic opposite like Matteo Paoletti. It’s incredible how he always manages to make the difference on the pitch – he confesses -. For the rest, I will do everything possible to prove my worth and, with commitment and perseverance during the week, I will always try to be ready whenever I’m called into question».