So similar, so different. Similar, because there is a blood bond between them: they are brothers. And they share the same love and commitment to volleyball. Different, by age (four years), role (one is a setter, the other a hammer) and ways of interpreting volleyball, as well as everyday life: one more balanced, the other more lively and expansive. Ignacio and Gonzalo Martinez are ready to immerse themselves in the new adventure, in the DRL Volley Team jersey: “For the first time we will be teammates,” they said in unison at the presentation press conference.

“Nacho” will join Maccabruni as setter: «I thank the club for giving me the opportunity to express myself again in A3. It’s a great opportunity for growth.” The setter had already played in Belluno in the 2017-2018 season: «I’ve always had a good time here, so much so that I have several friends. I’m going back to my family.” His brother Gonzalo echoes him: «It will be a beautiful experience to live together. Let’s hope we don’t argue too much – laugh -. The upside? Mum will be happy because she won’t have to follow us separately anymore. Now all you need to do is watch one game.”

INTERNAL COMPETITION – Ignacio does not feel like a “second setter”: «I am convinced that I can give my contribution and, in this sense, I will work as hard as possible with the aim of always being ready. The relationship with “Macca”? Very good: we’ve known each other for some time, ours will be healthy internal competition, aimed at the good of the group». Even Gonzalo, who has taken off his role as a libero, can’t wait to put himself to the test: «The fact of having changed roles is a big step forward. I will try to improve myself training after training».

SURPRISE – The vice president, Andrea Gallina, has no doubts: «The Martinez brothers could be the surprise of the championship. Ignacio? Excellent choice, has the right characteristics. Gonzalo? It is a change in the sign of continuity». Even the general manager, Franco Da Re, has deep faith in “Nacho” and “Gonzo”: «Ignacio’s return is very welcome. We are talking about a setter who has experience and quality. In addition, for the type of team and the work to be done in the gym, its solidity is needed.