The libero Paolo Cappio’s return to Aurispa Libellula is a great return, with the club choosing to focus on a player who, in Salento, has left an excellent memory.

Cappio, class of ’99, born in Pescara, in his beginnings, stands out as one of the best Italian beachers. Then, he chose indoor volleyball and made his debut in Superlega with Vibo Valentia, before playing in A3 with Civitanova, Pineto and then with Aurispa Libellula in the 2021/22 season. In that season he exalted himself both as a libero and, if necessary, in place four, reaching a playoff semi-final at the end of the year. Last year he played in Palmi, before being recalled again by the Salento team, who managed to find an agreement to entrust the keys to the defense in the expert hands of the free player from Abruzzo.

As announced a few days ago by the sporting director Antonio Scarascia, therefore, the starting sextet is about to be completed and the work with coach Pelillo, from now on, will focus in particular on the search for the missing elements that can complete the roster and can be competitive to guarantee high-speed workouts.