The engines are warming up in view of the SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/2024, with Rana Verona who will be the protagonist in a highly prestigious quadrangular one week after the debut on the field of Gioiella Prisma Taranto. In fact, on 14 and 15 October, the Marche city of Jesi will host the first edition of the Jesi Volley Cup, which in addition to Coach Stoytchev’s team will also take to the field Cucine Lube Civitanova, Allianz Milano and the winner of the Greek championship Olympiakos Piraeus. The matches will be played at the Pala Triccoli, a facility with over 4,000 seats.

The tournament, organized by JV Sport in collaboration with the Municipality of Jesi, will represent a real appetizer of the new SuperLega Credem Banca season. On the occasion of the press conference to present the event, which will be held on Monday 2 October at 12.00 at the Palazzo Pianetti, the pairings of the semi-finals will be announced and the collateral activities organized in collaboration with the FIPAV Marche Regional Committee will be announced, which on the weekend of 14 and 15 October will involve many volleyball enthusiasts.

The program


5.30pm Semifinal 1
8.30pm Semifinal 2


3.00pm Final 3rd/4th place
6.00pm Final 1st/2nd place


Scala fans already have the opportunity to book their seats to watch Rana Verona’s matches in the quadrangular. Both the subscriptions for the entire event and the tickets for individual days can be purchased at the following link: CLICK HERE

The box office at the Pala Triccoli will be open starting from Monday 2 October. The seats are numbered in all sectors of the Palasport. Rates will be reduced for Under 12s and discounts are available for FIPAV companies.

EARLY BIRD promotion: until September 21st it will be possible to purchase the Parterre season ticket at the same price as the Grandstand season ticket. The promo is valid on a limited number of subscriptions.