Premier Hotels Crema: Crema beats also Arezzo and keep 5 points advantage on Gioia del Colle who won against Genova. Before the match one minute of silence to say goodbye to little Tommy .

Then the match with Crema already with the mind at the 30th April, when the first playoff semifinal will begin.

First set very tight and fought with Crema closing only at 29-27 with a Cazzaniga attack.

Second set clearly for Crema always ahead until 18-13 and 24-17. Then an Egeste ace close also the second set in favour of Crema.

In the third set Arezzo tries a reaction and go ahead until the 10-10. Then Crema starts to play like the first two sets and close the set and the match 25-22.

Premier Hotels Crema – Bancaetruria Eurospar Arezzo 3-0 (29-27 25-18 25-22)

PREMIER HOTELS CREMA: Cazzaniga 20, Cetrullo ne, Egeste 7, Crosatti 1, Finazzi 2, Caprotti(L) 100% ricezione, Mozzana ne, Travica 6, Jankovic 0, Burgsthaler 0, Yoko 11, Canzanella 9.
Coach: Luca Monti.
Serves errors 13, Aces 9, Blocks 8

BANCAETRURIA EUROSPAR AREZZO: Vanni(L), Juricic 1, Tiberti 1, Grassini 1, Lirutti 6, Guagnelli 2, Czekiel 9, D’Elia 1, Russo 6, Francescani ne, Suela 14.
Coach: Riccardo Provvedi
Serves errors 15, Aces 4, Blocksi 4

Referees: Savino Nicola Roberto and Puletti Francesco

Mombelli Andrea
Press office Premier Hotels Reima Crema