Today, monday the 1st of October, the third edition of DIRETTA VOLLEY begins.

There are two substantial novelties of the very successful show:

The first one is that it will be live on monday evening and the second one is Silvia Uccelli as a presenter together with Daniele Losi.
The show will be on weekly and live from 21:00 on Telelibertà frequences, with Nicola Gobbi as an opinionist.

Great guests from the first night: SkySport’s vice president Lorenzo Dallari, the president Guido Molinari, the vice president Vincenzo Carciello, the coach Angelo Lorenzetti, the press officer Beppe Pozzoli, the president of the Lupi Biancorossi Renzo Ciardelli.

During the show there will be space for interviews taken after the Perugia match.

The audience will have the chance to interact both with e-mail messages to and by phone on 0523 393 809