Newsletter Lega Volley: Un’altra vittoria al TIM All Star Volley: la raccolta di fondi per AMREF

Two days after the TIM All Star Volley, the good news coming from Forli PalaFiera are not over. The audience at PalaFiera embraced the invitation from AMREF regarding the launch of the “Let’s crush thirst 2007/08” project. The final aim is to build a well in the Kajago area in Kenia.

The challenge, promoted by Andrea Brogioni, has symbolically started with the auction of shirts and balls autographed by by the National team players present at the TIM All Star Volley. Only on that occasion 700 Euros have been collected , but the volleyball world can do a lot better to be able to collect the 15.000 needed to build the well.

For all your donations you can use the following bank account:

Andrea Brogioni per “Schiacciamo la sete”

Banca Etica

Conto Corrente 116976

Abi 05018

Cab 02400

Cin: K