Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Isernia says good bye to the season with a good performance against Castellana Grotte. The team is now getting prepared for playoff matches.

Leozao Alves is the new entry for Materdomini. Coach Travica could not verify the player’s condition because of a delay. Barbone, Mazzarelli and Joel are slowly recovering.
President Miccolis‘s words ”It was a balanced match. All plyers played well, without tension. We got a great resut: the sixth place and the access to playoff zone. The final part of his year is the most difficult. We bought a new player, Alves, and we are ready to play our best nd to struggle against all opponents.”
On Sunday 22th the team is going to play against Crema at 6 p.m.

Pier Paolo Lorizio
Press office

Pino Pote’s photo:Enrico Libraro