Claudio Sciurpa received one of the 365 Breads from “Amici dei bambini” (children’s frinds), a symbolic prize on a national level, given to people who made an effort in promoting the culture of Peace, in a concrete way in support of children in need.

Claudio Siurpa, Perugia Volley’s president and Vitakraft Italia Spa MD, has received aprize this morning from AùGianfranco Costa, funder of the International Centre of Peace between the Nations from Assisi, one of the 365 “Amici dei bambini”‘s Breads.
The “Bread” is the symbolic gift for a national recognition, given to people in the political, business, work, sports and culture worlds who made an effort in promoting the culture of Peace, in a concrete way in support of children in need, especially in the world’s poorest areas.

“I am proud of receiving this gift – Sciurpa comments – first of all as a father and a grandfather. I have two sons and two grandchildren whom I love deeply and caring for children has always been one of my first worries.
As the president of a sports Club I turn youngsters into a source and an investment and as a business man I will pass my work to younger generations. That’s why this recognition is for me a great honour”.