A few days after the end of the Volley Market, the Volley Team club closes the middle blockers department.

After the arrival of the young Guastamacchia from Belluno and the confirmation of Trevisiol, DS Tassan’s coup is Giuseppe Iorno, fresh winner of the A3 with Sieco Service Ortona. The class 93, 195cm, brings experience and quality to coach Moretti’s roster.

“Iorno is in full sporting maturity – comments Sports Director Eugenio Tassan – he had a very high level year in Ortona by winning the championship. He played a lot and we needed him to strengthen the department. From a technical point of view he is very valid, in attack he has very high percentages while blocking he will do a great job with coach Moretti, a former centre-back, in order to improve.Knowing him I discovered a nice person, he is excited for the adventure in which he finds Tulone again after facing him as an opponent while in the same group will find former teammates from Ortona, Bulfon and Arienti who went to Motta”

Iorno grew up in the youth team of his hometown and subsequently finished his studies he did 10 years of Serie B, including 3 years of the old B1, with a playoff final lost in the final (with Lagonegro). Then last year the first experience in A3 and, as mentioned, the promotion to A2 with the Ortona shirt.

“As soon as I learned that San Donà was among the possible destinations for next year – Giuseppe explains – I immediately thought of a stimulating year, an old friend of mine guaranteed me the seriousness and professionalism with which volleyball is played and this is fundamental to make a group that wants to do well work better. As for the market, this year too many formations have been enhanced with important elements, and this makes this category ever more exciting and beautiful. I expect a season in which we can say the and to entertain our audience with good races. Personally I would like to contribute to all this with the experience I have accumulated over all these years.”