Last November, with the implementation of the pilot project ‘It’s about you too’, the Municipality of Verona launched a precise message to the city on the problem of violence against women, to increase the attention and active participation of the Veronese community. The response from many entities was strong and immediate, such as the ‘Verona Volley’ sports club which today, at Palazzo Barbieri, delivered almost 8 thousand euros to the Administration, the result of a charity auction held for Christmas, to be allocated to support the activities carried out by the P.e.t.r.a. anti-violence centre.

The sum, precisely 7,720 euros, was collected by the Sports Club last December. Partners and friends of Verona Volley took part in the auction and won the t-shirts that the Rana Verona and Sir Susa Vim Perugia players wore during the match held at the Pala AGSM AIM on 26 November. Each auction included a shirt signed by one of the Rana Verona athletes together with a shirt signed by one of the Perugia athletes.

Verona Volley also took part in the ‘It’s about you too’ initiative through a joint commercial created with Scaligera Basket and dedicated pins, which the coaches wore during the entire duration of the initiative.

The donation was collected by the deputy mayor Barbara Bissoli together with the councilor delegated for equal opportunities Beatrice Verzè. Present were the president of the Volley Rana Verona sports club Stefano Fanini, the director of the Anti-Violence Service Paola Zanchetta and for the anti-violence unit P.e.t.r.a. Laura Peretti.

“As part of the initiatives to support the fight against gender violence, activated on the occasion of last November 25th with the underlying theme ‘It’s about you too’ – explained the deputy mayor Barbara Bissoli –, we wanted to involve the city’s sports clubs, including Verona Volleyball, for the potential resonance of their message of involvement and activation of each and every one in the fight against this hateful phenomenon. Male violence against women is a pervasive phenomenon that occurs at all levels and in all areas of social life and to combat it it is necessary to reach everyone, therefore also activating the sporting sphere. We are grateful to Verona Volley for supporting the dissemination of the message proposed by the municipal administration and for having created the auction of the shirts worn in the match on 26 November 2023 signed by the athletes, thus also achieving concrete help for the anti-violence services provided by the Municipality of Verona with the Petra Centre, in particular for the necessary accompaniment of female victims to a new life, an autonomous and independent life”.