Premier Hotels Crema: It is going to be wonderful game, really important for play off zone. The match is going to be played on 11th March at PalaBertoni.
Monti’s players are going to chellenge Materdomini Castellana Grotte; the latter was created to win the championship.
Coach Rota analyses the situation of the championship:
“This year’s championship is incredible: a lot of teams are ready to play their best.
Milano is the strongest one.”

Well, Materdomini is going to be here: Pascual, Joel, Fabroni….
“Castellana Grotte was made with the aim of playing A1 Championship next year. We are going to play our best and to “revenge” last-time loss.”
What are Materdomini’s strongest players?
“All of them, they are strong”.
What is Premier Hotels going to try for the victory?
“I do not know. All players want to revenge the loss and to gain important points. The game is going to be difficult… “.

In the photo:Martino-Elia’s block